" What's Different about the GameStop Bubble?" Project Syndicate, February 3, 2021. " Biden's Sensible Stimulus," Project Syndicate, March 24. " What Three Economists Taught Us About Currency Regimes," Project Syndicate, April 21. " Statistics and the Pandemic," Project Syndicate, May 26, 2021. “ America’s False Imbalance Syndrome,” Project Syndicate, June 28. The Korea Herald, July 1, 2021. ” America’s Republicans are Killing Their Voters ,” Project Syndicate, July 22, 2021. “ G20 must prioritise global Covid action at October meeting,” The Guardian, Aug. 23, 2021. “ The G20’s COVID Agenda,” Project Syndicate, August 23. “ El Salvador’s adoption of bitcoin as legal tender is pure folly,” The Guardian, Sept. " El Salvador's Bitcoin Folly," Project Syndicate , September 23. “Biden’s conundrum: High oil prices are unpopular, but could aid climate agenda,” Houston Chronicle, Nov. " High Oil Prices Can Help the Environment," Project Syndicate, Oct. "Not That Seventies Inflation," Project Syndicate, Nov.

" The US Must Not Make Empty Threats," Project Syndicate, Dec. " Are Vaccine Mandates Government Overreach?" Project Syndicate, Jan.25, 2022. " Fighting the Last Inflation War," Project Syndicate, Feb. 24, 2022. "These Russia Sanctions Are Different," Korea Herald, March 22, Project Syndicate, March 18, 2022. " The West's Energy Policies can be Geopolitical and Green," Project Syndicate, April 26. " The west can cut its energy dependency on Russia and be greener," The Guardian, May. The Globe and Mail or Korea Herald, May 30. " Get Ready for Reverse Currency Wars," Project Syndicate, May 25. “ Does International Trade Weaken or Strengthen Countries’ Resilience?” Project Syndicate, June. " Is the US in Recession?" Project Syndicate, July 18, 2022. " Why Commodity Prices are Likely to Fall," Project Syndicate, August 23, 2022. " In the Dollar We Trust," Project Syndicate, September 22, 2022. " Why Do Americans Vote for Extremists?" Project Syndicate, October 27, 2022.

" Let the WTO referee Carbon Border Taxes," Project Syndicate. ” Predictions that global economy is heading for a recession are premature,” The Guardian, Dec. "Biden should let the game of debt ceiling chicken play out," Project Syndicate and LA Times, Jan.19, 2023 " ESG" investing versus those who would ban it," Project Syndicate, Feb. "Fifty Years of Floating," Project Syndicate and the Korea Herald, March 22, 2023. "Debt Restructuring for Commodity Exporters," Project Syndicate, April 25, 2023. "How to Quench the American West's Thirst," Project Syndicate, May 29, 2023. **** For each Project Syndicate column, a corresponding, slightly more detailed, version is posted with a lag of about 3 days, at Jeffrey Frankel's blog. **** Some of the columns are carried by The Guardian, UK.